Test Results
Getting your test results:
Once our clinicians have reviewed your test results, we will contact you if any further action is needed.
Some tests and investigations, e.g. X-rays and cervical smears, take longer and you will be informed of the timescale at your appointment.
Please note that we are unable to give you the results of tests which were hospital-based. You would normally have to wait until you re-attend the hospital or until the hospital makes contact with you.
We may not contact you if your results are normal so if your problem has not resolved, please contact reception, or inform us using PATCHS for a further clinical advice.
If you still want to discuss your test results and we have not contacted you, please send us a PATCHS message and someone will be in touch.
Results can only be given to the patient (unless we have received written consent to give the result to another person).
The practice now offers text results should the patient consent to this through PATCHS or you can view your test result online on SystmOnline or AirmId see links below.
If the clinical team requires a sample, please use the container and bag provided. Make sure your name is on the container and that it reaches us before 12 noon so that it can be transported in our usual delivery van.
Please allow at least five working days for the results of blood and urine.